링크 목록

2011년 11월 2일 수요일

Arestape Applications - Wrist Pain


2 pieces of I tape
Self-taping is available

Step 1.

Place I tape from the wrist to the elbow while stretching the elbow.

Step 2.

Wrap another I tape around the wrist leaving a little space at the end.


Wrist and Hand Pain

wrist pain 281x300 Wrists Pain Treatment

Wrist and hand pain can be a very debilitating thing especially if you do a lot of computer work or work with your hands a lot. If you are one of those people, I have some good news for you. You can treat the pain yourself! I have some great exercises and stretches for hand and wrist pain.

Why Do You Get Hand and Wrist Pain?

The pain in your hands and wrist are usually caused by nerves that are impinged somewhere in the bundle of nerves that innervate your arm. This bundle is called the brachial plexus and is responsible for the the sensations in your whole arm. The nerve that innervates your hand is called the median nerve and is the only nerve that runs through the carpal tunnel. When the median nerve is compressed, you get hand and wrist pain. This is commonly known as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Exercises For Hand and Wrist Pain

Here are some good exercises to help prevent and treat the compression of the median nerve:
wrist and hand pain

Wrist Extension:
Extend your arm and hold your hand palm up. Grab the fingers of one hand with the other hand and pull forward. This will stretch the muscles that are used to make a fist. You can hold the stretch for about one minute, rest and repeat three times.

wrist and hand pain

Wrist Flexion:
Extend your arm and hold it palm in. Take the other hand and pull your fingers forward bending at the wrist. Keep your arm straight for the best stretch. This stretches the muscles that bend your hand and wrist back.

Wrist Side Bend
Extend your arm and hold it palm in. Put your thumb on your palm and wrap your fingers around it and bend it forward. This will stretch the muscles that bend your hand side to side.

For more information, visit our website at www.aresports.com.

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댓글 1개:

  1. This article was very helpful in answering alot of questions.Thanks for posting.
