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Golfer's Elbow
Information about elbow tendonitis
Golfer's elbow, or medial epicondylitis, is similar to its counterpart, tennis elbow. The primary differences between these conditions are the location of the pain and the activity that leads to injury. However, both conditions are caused by overuse of the muscles and tendons of the forearm, leading to inflammation and pain around the elbow joint.
What is golfers elbow?
These problems, tennis elbow and golfer's elbow, are both forms of tendonitis. Tendons are the ends of muscles that attach to bone. Because of the force of the muscle, the points of insertion of the tendon on the bone are often pointed prominences. The medical names of Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and Golfer's Elbow (medial epicondylitis) come from the names of these bony prominences where the tendons insert, and where the inflammation causes the pain. The pain of golfer's elbow is usually at the elbow joint on the inside of the arm; a shooting sensation down the forearm is also common while gripping objects.
What causes golfers elbow?
The mechanism of this injury can vary from a single violent action to, more commonly, repetitive stress injury where an action is performed repeatedly and pain gradually develops. No one is immune from these injuries, but they are most common at the beginning of the golf season, or when the offending activity is increased in intensity or duration. Golf is one common cause of these symptoms, but many other sport- and work-related activities can cause the same problem. Another common cause of this injury is with weekend carpenters who use hand tools on occasion.
Golfer's elbow is usually a self-limited problem, and does not cause any long-term disability. Treatment is rarely surgical, as this condition is well managed with a little rest and proper rehabilitation.
- Lifestyle Modification
Lifestyle modification is important if golfer's elbow does not resolve or if it recurs. With athletes, often a change in technique (see below) can resolve the problem. - Changing Swing Mechanics
Golf clubs should be sized properly, including grip size. Swing mechanics should be evaluated to ensure patients are swinging properly. See a golf pro/instructor for a swing and club evaluation. - Anti-inflammatory Medications
Anti-inflammatory medications are often used to help control pain and inflammation. The oral forms of these medications are easy to take, and often help control the inflammation as well as manage the pain associated with golfer's elbow. - Cortisone Injections
If these conservative measures fail, a steroid (cortisone) injection is a reasonable option. If a person has tried more than two cortisone injections without relief, it is unlikely that additional injections will benefit the patient. - Stretching & Exercises
Some simple stretches and exercises can also be helpful in controlling the symptoms of golfer's elbow. These exercises should not cause pain, and if they do the exercises should not be done until the pain resolves. By strengthening the muscles and tendons involved with golfers' elbow, you can help prevent the problem from returning.
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Kinesio tape, Kinesio tex tape, Kinesiology tape, Sports tape, KT Tape, Rock tape, Athletic tape, Medical tape, Muscle tape, Trainers tape, Physical therapy tape, Health Care Product, Pharmacy Stocks, Balance Tape, Bandage, Elastic Tape, Rehabilitation, Sports Goods, Fitness Product, Orthopedic
Nice information about golf elbow and I am looking forward to have information about tennis elbow treatment which is also an important treatment in elbow injuries
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