링크 목록

2014년 4월 18일 금요일

Ares Extreme Kinesiology Tape: NEW

ARES Extreme Kinesiology Tape
(Synthetic ARES tape with Intensified Performances)

ARES Extreme Kinesiology tape is a newly designed ARES tape made of silky high grade synthetic fiber instead of cotton, which is an advanced version of classic ARES. 

ARES Extreme Kinesiology tape is perfectly suitable for the occasions of extreme outdoor sports or events or the moments that require more endurable version of Ares Kinesiology tape.

We gave intensified elasticity and advanced adhesive strength to it so that it can provide outstanding performances over most problematic muscle symptoms.

It is also out of question that Ares Extreme Kinesiology tape also covers most muscle symptoms from light to severe cases as an outperforming replacement of classic original ARES Kinesiology tape.

Why ARES Extreme Kinesiology Tape?
-Intensified elasticity more effective to reduce severe muscle conditions (elasticity)
-Enhanced adhesive strength suitable for extreme sports activities (adhesive strength)
-1.5 times increased moisture absorbency, fast to dry after wet conditions
(absorbency, expulsive power)
-Increased air-permeability, very comfortable to wear (air-permeability)
-Light to wear and much skin-friendly (feeling of irritation)
-Nicely lustrous and silky in rich brilliant colors
-Feeling cool on the skin and very soft to wear


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