링크 목록

2011년 10월 31일 월요일

Arestape Applications - Lateral Elbow Pain 1

3 pieces of I tape
Self-taping is available

Step 1.

Apply tape from the outside the wrist to the lateral elbow with 50% stretch while bending the elbow slightly.

Step 2.

Run another I tape from the upper arm to the lateral side of the elbow without stretch.

Step 3.

For additional support, wrap another tape around the elbow.


lateral elbow pain
lateral elbow pain is known as lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow). This condition causes inflammation and pain, "where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony prominence on the outside of your elbow (lateral epicondyle)." Lateral elbow pain usually occurs because of overuse of the forearm and wrist (like the constant forehand and backhand swings in tennis). Treatment for lateral elbow pain usually includes a combination of rest, ice, heat, anti-inflammatory medication, and exercise.

Rest, Ice, and Medication

1. Take a few days off from any activity or exercise that affects your elbow. Take two ibuprofen pills every four to six hours until you are free from inflammation and pain.

2. Fill an ice pack with ice. Strap or tie it around your elbow and keep it there for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the ice pack. Repeat ice treatment every three to four days until your inflammation has subsided.

3. When your inflammation is under control, apply a heating pad several times a day to reduce pain.

4. Once your inflammation is under control, sit in a chair with your wrist on your knee and hand hanging over it. Slowly bend your wrist upward and stretch it, then lower it down and stretch it the other way. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions and repeat daily.

5. When you can stretch your wrist without pain, grab a hammer or soup can with your palm facing down and your elbow bent. Slowly lift the hammer or soup can upward by bending your wrist, then lower it back down. Do 10 repetitions then repeat the exercise two more times. Rest for several minutes. Pick the hammer or soup can up with your palm facing up and your elbow bent. Slowly lift the object up with your wrist, then lower it back down. Do three sets of 10 repetitions, then relax. Repeat these exercises two to three times per week.

Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis

Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is one of several overuse injuries that can affect your elbow. Playing tennis is just one cause of tennis elbow. There many other daily activities can cause painful tennis elbow.

Tennis elbow pain occurs primarily where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony prominence on the outside of your elbow called the lateral epicondyle. The pain can radiate also into your forearm and wrist area.
The good news is that the pain of tennis elbow doesn't have to keep you from enjoying your favorite activities … there is tennis elbow therapy available!
Tennis elbow symptoms may include:
  • Pain that radiates from the outside of your elbow into your forearm and wrist
  • Pain when you extend your wrist
  • Weakness in your forearm
  • Pain that gets worse over weeks or months
  • A painful grip during certain activities, such as shaking hands or turning a doorknob
  • An inability to hold certain objects, such as a coffee cup

As I said before, tennis elbow is an overuse injury. The cause is repeated contraction of the forearm muscles that you use to straighten and raise your hand and wrist. These repeated motions stress the tissue and may result in inflammation or a series of tiny tears in the tendons that attach the forearm muscles to the bone at the outside of your elbow.
As the name tennis elbow indicates, playing tennis particularly, repeated use of the backhand stroke with poor technique is one possible cause of the condition. However, many other common arm motions, including using plumbing tools, painting, raking and weaving, can cause tennis elbow.
When you first notice the pain from tennis elbow, you will first want to follow the instructions for P.R.I.C.E. — protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation:

  • Protection. Protect your elbow from further injury by not using the joint. If a particular sport or work activity causes symptoms, you may have to stop the activity until your symptoms improve.
  • Rest. Give your elbow a rest. But don't avoid all activity. Sometimes, wearing a forearm splint at night helps reduce morning symptoms.
  • Ice. Use a cold pack, ice massage, slush bath or compression sleeve filled with cold water to limit swelling after an injury. Try to apply ice as soon as possible after the injury.
  • Compression. Use an elastic wrap or bandage to compress the injured area.
  • Elevation. Keep your elbow above heart level when possible to help prevent or limit swelling.

These are the first steps for successful tennis elbow therapy, but you may find that you need treatment from a professional.

I have been successfully treating tennis elbow for many years, so rest assured, I can relieve your pain!

For more information, visit our website at www.aresports.com.

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댓글 2개:

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