링크 목록

2011년 10월 27일 목요일

Arestape Applications - Medial Elbow Pain 1

2 pieces of I tape
Self-taping is available

Step 1.

Anchor I tape at the front wrist and apply the tail at the medial side of the elbow with 50% stretch while bending the elbow slightly.

Step 2.

Anchor another I tape at the medial side of the elbow and apply the tail at the side of the wrist with slight stretch applied.

Kinesio tape, Kinesio tex tape, Kinesiology tape, Sports tape, KT Tape, Rock tape, Athletic tape, Medical tape, Muscle tape, Trainers tape, Physical therapy tape, Health Care Product, Pharmacy Stocks, Balance Tape, Bandage, Elastic Tape, Rehabilitation, Sports Goods, Fitness Product, Orthopedic


How is the elbow designed, and what is its function?

The elbow is the joint where three long bones meet in the middle portion of the arm. The bone of the upper arm (humerus) meets the inner bone of the forearm (ulna) and the outer bone of the forearm (radius) to form a hinge joint. The radius and ulna also meet in the elbow to allow for rotation of the forearm. The elbow functions to move the arm like a hinge (forward and backward) and in rotation (twisting outward and inward). The biceps muscle is the major muscle that flexes the elbow hinge. The triceps muscle is the major muscle that extends the elbow hinge. The outer bone of the elbow is referred to as the lateral epicondyle and is a part of the humerus bone. Tendons are attached to this area which can be injured, causing inflammation or tendinitis (lateral epicondylitis, or "tennis elbow"). The inner portion of the elbow is a bony prominence called the medial epicondyle. Additional tendons from the muscles attach here and can be injured, causing medial epicondylitis, "golfer's elbow." A fluid-filled sac (bursa), which serves to reduce friction, overlies the tip of the elbow (olecranon bursa). The elbow can be affected by inflammation of the tendons or the bursae (plural for bursa) or conditions that affect the bones and joints, such as fractures, arthritis, or nerve irritation. Joint pain in the elbow can result from injury or disease involving any of these structures.

Normal Elbow Illustration - Elbow Pain

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